Welcome to my Final Fantasy VII web site. This is not only my site, but it is also yours, because I write these pages
so you, the viewer, can see them!
I give thanks to Gt4649t2006rs for creating and donating the Final Fantasy VII banner
that appears at the top of this page!
OKAY CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Tripid *DELETED* my Final Fantasy
VII web page. I think I might have an Archive of it somewhere on CD around here, and I didn't really expect that many people
still visit a site about a game that's 10 years old (and the site itself was over 10 years old too, and kind of looked like
it), but I can't believe that they actually removed it from the Internet. It's lost all of its rankings on Google now too
because it was deleted. I like to think that the site managed to entertain five or six people a week, at least.
working on getting the site back online. I don't plan to do a redesign (the site is really way too old for that) but I would
at least like it to be online, you know?